Inspired by the late professor Xie Yu (1936-1999), a lifetime educator and a beloved friend of her students and colleagues, Xie Yu Education Foundation (“XYEF”) dedicates to the promotion of education among Chinese communities as well as communities of other ethnic backgrounds by providing scholarships and grants to students and teachers.

XYEF raises funds from individuals and organizations who share the same interest in promoting education. Once a year the foundation awards scholarships and grants to students and teachers. The actual date will be determined by the Board according to the schedule of each school year. The assistantship and grant receivers are selected based on the criteria set in Article 5 of The Articles of Incorporation by a committee appointed by the board of trustees of the foundation. The committee consists of members of the faculty (of BNU) and members of the board.

XYEF was registered in the State of Georgia in 2002 and has a 501(c)(3) federal tax exempt status.

For more information about us, please see Bylaws of Xie Yu Education Foundation, Inc.


If you have any questions regarding Xie Yu Education Foundation, please contact us by mail, fax, or email.

Xie Yu Education Foundation

135 Stanford Rdg.

Duluth, GA 30097

Fax: 914-470-7345

Voice Mail:  914-470-7345

Email: [email protected]